Saturday 23 February 2013

Fear and a prayer to the sea.

I spent the last two weeks feeling very afraid. I was waiting for the results of a scary blood test, and I wasn't sure what the outcome would be. Anyway the test came back fine and I haven't got a new health challenge added to the one I'm already dealing with. That's a relief.

Fear is funny the way it gets in your bones and takes up residence and then it's difficult to get rid of it. I still have fear in my heart today, even though I have significantly less reason to be afraid than I did two weeks ago.  But then I probably shouldn't have been afraid at all, because we don't always see the true reality of things of anyway. Does this sound like a pickle? It feels like a pickle. I've been having a pickly few days in all their pickly, prickly, self-doubting glory.

So here is a song I wrote a few months ago.
It's a song for a pickly, prickly day when it feels like the storms won't pass.
It's called a 'Prayer to the Sea'.


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