Monday 31 December 2012

A Year in Colour.

I always find that in the time between Christmas and New Year's day, I tend to get a bit glum. All the buildup to Christmas is over and because I really don't like change, I start to get all apprehensive about the New Year and what lies ahead. I also look back on the year that's almost over and wonder if I could have achieved more, or lived it better. You can imagine that added to all this soul searching, the feeling of over indulging on Christmas food and not getting enough fresh air, is a recipe for not feeling fabulous.

ANYWAY, I've decided to look at things differently. One of my favourite songs from the musical "Rent" is called "Seasons of Love", and it asks the question, how do you measure a life?.." In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee?" .. and so on. I have decided to measure my life in the last year with moments of colour. I was looking through photos of the past year and realised that it really has been wonderful in lots and lots of ways. If I were to measure my year in moments of colour and beauty, I would realise that my year has been rich, full and full of blessing, and indeed it has, not just with moments of colour, but of love, laughter, and truth.

So here goes! Some of my 2012 in colour... Each photo reminds me of the story that goes with it, reminders of moments spent with my loved ones, precious moments.

Wishing you all the very best for 2013. May the year ahead be filled with colour, and everything you wish for.
With very much love, Ayozie  xxx

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Christmas birds, colour and everything in between.

 I am enjoying this time of year very much. I love the opportunities for creativity, the cooking and baking, the twinkly lights and decorations, the excitement of the children, advent calendars and counting down to Christmas day.

Birds seem to be my current preoccupation and our Christmas so far has taken on a distinctly birdy theme.

Christmas is always filled with baking.  I made these for the Christmas fair at my daughter's school, no birds here, just star topped vanilla cupcakes, very cute chocolate cupcakes and gingerbread cupcakes topped with shop bought gingerbread biscuits.

I've been enjoying making Christmas cards, and of course the Birdy theme has resumed with these.
I am making these cards as a celebration of colour and freedom.

 So from me to you, have a wonderful Christmas, filled with freedom, colour and unlimited amounts of love. xxxx