This is the finished painting.
The painting went through many transitions, some hilarious, and I wanted to share the process. At times I became so indecisive and kept changing my mind about what the painting was to be. But I learned by the end, that it's worth sticking with something and allowing yourself to go through the many changes, because something beautiful will materialise eventually.
Anyway here goes...
After I sketched the face, I collaged some flowers and a bird, plus of a photo of my grandma in a love heart, and then wierdly decided to paint all over with a lurid green and blue!
So then I tried to fix it with lots of white paint and then ended up with scary lady! The kids kept saying my painting was freaking them out.
I managed to get the face eventually to start to look a bit better I think.
I then couldn't make up my mind about what race the lady was to be, so did this!...
...and this..
..and then this...
I should say that I was starting to despair at this point, and really really wanted to give up altogether, but I'd already invested so much time (and paint!) in this painting, I had to finish it, so I pressed on.
So this is where the painting was at this morning. I just needed to collage some flowers in her hair and tidy up a few other details.
This is the finished painting. Hooray!!
I think it turned out beautiful in the end, and I am pleased with it. My grandmother's image looks particularly wonderful, as part of the picture.
So dear friends, hope you've enjoyed my hilarious process pictures. They certainly illustrate the value of perseverance.
Much love.