Saturday, 23 February 2013

Fear and a prayer to the sea.

I spent the last two weeks feeling very afraid. I was waiting for the results of a scary blood test, and I wasn't sure what the outcome would be. Anyway the test came back fine and I haven't got a new health challenge added to the one I'm already dealing with. That's a relief.

Fear is funny the way it gets in your bones and takes up residence and then it's difficult to get rid of it. I still have fear in my heart today, even though I have significantly less reason to be afraid than I did two weeks ago.  But then I probably shouldn't have been afraid at all, because we don't always see the true reality of things of anyway. Does this sound like a pickle? It feels like a pickle. I've been having a pickly few days in all their pickly, prickly, self-doubting glory.

So here is a song I wrote a few months ago.
It's a song for a pickly, prickly day when it feels like the storms won't pass.
It's called a 'Prayer to the Sea'.


Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Around here lately...

One of my New Year resolutions this year was to learn lots of crafts. I just thought it might be a nice thing to do, especially with my girls. What I hadn't expected was how much joy this would bring and how much more wonderful and soulful life is.

In the last month ...

We've been learning to knit.....
I've always wanted to learn to knit and I'm so glad I am finally doing something about it. I've signed up for a weekly knitting class over the course of 9 weeks, and I'm loving it! What has been really great is that the girls have caught the bug too, and my mum has been teaching them, which is especially wonderful because my mum's grandmother taught her to knit, and now my mum is doing the same for her granddaughters, ..and so the cycle continues.

My daughter with her Nana!

We've been making natural beauty products.....
The girls and I went along to a natural cosmetics workshop run by my beautiful friend Zoe and The Golden Co., a wonderful enterprise for young people based in East London. We had a go at making lip balms and wonderfully scented lavender and lemon salt scrubs, using honey from the local bees.

We were so inspired we've decided to try to make most of the beauty products we use at home.  Here are some photos of our whipped Shea body butter.  We use this on our skin and it is so lovely, we also use it for our hair. I found the recipe for this here.

Gorgeousness in a tub!

I made soap!....
I had a go at making soap!! I tried the cold process method of soap making. I was very nervous about it, because soap making can be quite hazardous and I would strongly recommend that you read up on all the safety precautions, especially with using lye (caustic soda) before having a go. Even better would be to attend a class with an expert. Anyway whilst the girls were at school, I made a batch of Shea and Almond soap. I can't believe it worked! At least it looks like soap, although I have to let it cure for 4 weeks before I can actually use it. (watch this space!) What has been so precious about beginning to learn this skill is that my father was a soap maker before his death many years ago. I remember as a young girl being around the factory that he ran, and being fascinated with the huge vats of soap, and the smells etc. Although on a miniscule scale, making soap in my kitchen made me feel close to my dad. He was probably shaking his head and laughing at how terrified I was!

I've been basket making...
Last weekend, I braved the motorway and drove to Oxfordshire for a day of basket weaving at the Earth Trust.  I really loved it, and it was so lovely to leave the city centre and be in the countryside. I found it quite tricky to grasp the technique, and it requires patience and a willingness not to be perfectionist, but I shall stick with it. I didn't finish my basket, but I came home with a load of willow to finish it in my own time. It will be interesting trying to weave the very long sticks of willow in our small flat!

The beginnings of my basket.

I find that lately I've been wanting to simplify our life a lot more. I think it's something to do with practising these simple crafts. Life seems less complicated somehow and I find that I'm not as restless as I usually am. So here's to more learning and discovering.
Much love. xxx